Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Music Process Documentary

1 Album. 24 Hours. 15 tracks.
Produced, Mixed & Mastered!
Documentary to Release in 2013.

The FourteenForty Session was produced by Nate Wilson, Julian Jcitylife Mobley, Jake Hydes, Chris Roberts and Yannick Powell, sponsored by Metis Creativity

The Music Process Documentary

"Fourteen Forty Session" Documentary

Who: The owner of the studio is Conrad. Sponsors are Metis Creativity, The Kongres, J. City Life, and Jake Cash

What: There were approximately 25 people in the studio at any given time throughout the time they had the entire studio booked for. They took up space from upstairs in the attic to the studios downstairs. Things were bumping and buzzing. This documentary was Julian and Yannick's idea. The 24 hour deadline adds pressure to inspire the artists and producers who are working to make this album a reality. It was an amazing sight to see all of the people working in their own worlds, but all in one space. I imagine this will be a great story to watch how it all comes together. The studio owner liked it so much, reports are coming in that the original people are not working on the project any longer, Studio 18 decided to take the project over.

Where: Studio 18 Fairbanks, Winter Park, FL

When: Nov. 29, 2012 8pm to 5am everyone goes home and from 5am to 10am is straight mixing
Studio 18


  1. http://youtu.be/s0XzJwPEfCU



  2. 1 Album. 24 Hours. 15 tracks.


  3. I embedded the trailer for ya!
